Sringaravelan is all set to score big, with a gross in the range of 5 - 5.25 Crores in its 6-day opening week from 85+ centers in Kerala. The trend has been upwards, since Monday morning, when the Onam releases were expected to gain momentum, as has been the case in recent years. The opening day, though was much lower than Sound Thoma, at about 75 lakhs approx., but with the upward trend and the vacation on the run, Sringaravelan is expected to finish its first 3 days above Sound Thoma and Romans. A 5.25-Crore opening week would be the second highest of the year behind Kammath & Kammath.
Daivathinte Swantham Cleetus had a rather average opening on Thursday, but has grown about 30% over the weekend, and further 20% on Monday. The extended opening weekend ended on a high, and the upward trend on Monday hints at an 8-day first week gross of 3.50 - 3.70 Crores, which would be higher than what Thappana grossed last year, or Immanuel managed earlier this year for Vishu.
North 24 Katham had a below average opening with rave reviews. The BO performance of the movie depends on how it can pick up after the initial 2 weeks, when the leaders start dropping pace.
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